Translating Science into Policy

A Multisectoral Approach to  Adaptation & Mitigation of Adverse Effects of Vector-Borne Diseases, Environmental Pollution and Climate Change on Planetary Health.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Promoting cross-sectoral collaboration to address complex planetary health issues.

Community Engagement & Raising Awareness

Engaging stakeholders to raise awareness and promote action on environmental issues. 

Tools & Strategies

Developing innovative tools &  strategies for sustainable planetary health.



The Horizon Europe Health RIA project, named “Translating Science into Policy: A Multisectoral Approach to Adaptation and Mitigation of Adverse Effects of Vector-Borne Diseases, Environmental Pollution and Climate Change on Planetary Health” funded by the European Union.


Provide new knowledge and tools addressing environmental degradation’s impacts on human, animal & ecosystem health. Planet4Health aims to support policy making processes and raise citizens awareness about sustainable planetary health, climate & environmental policies, and adaptation and mitigation strategies to natural hazards.


The values of the project include scientific integrity, multidisciplinarity, sustainability, collaboration, innovation, inclusivity, community engagement, all aimed at addressing complex planetary health challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration.


Case Studies

United as a team for Planetary Health

Latest News & Updates

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is contributing to the Planet4Health project by simulating hydrometeorological variables, such as streamflow and soil moisture, using the mHM model. Their team of experts will develop advanced monitoring
AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety) is actively contributing to the PLANET4HEALTH project through Case Study 3: Food Safety in Central Europe. In this case study, AGES is compiling and analysing data on
LIBRA AI Technologies plays a significant role in the PLANET4HEALTH project, developing a Machine Learning (ML) methodological framework for AI experimentation to address climate-related health challenges.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is a prominent institution known for its commitment to ethical standards and legal compliance in research. As the legal and ethics partner in the PLANET4HEALTH project, VUB plays a crucial role